VIV Asia 2023 envelope Print up


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随着全球人口的不断增长,市场对高效养猪生产解决方案的需求日益迫切。AP(Automated Production Systems)拥有 30 多年的行业经验,能够为这一全球不断增长的需求提供全面支持。AP 致力于为您打造成熟、可靠、智能、高效的全方位解决方案。

VIV Asia 2023

VIV Asia 2023 is one of Asia's biggest complete feed-to-food global trade shows in Thailand. Recently, AGCO GA has taken part in the exhibition and showcased our equipment for poultry, layer and swine farming solutions. We were proud to showcase our equipment such as Farrowing Crate, Gestation Stall, 56" High-Performance Fan, Plus 78, Pan Feeder & Watering System, Flex Flo XD Ultra Unloader, Livestock Composting Management, OPTIFARM, Precision Livestock Management, Autopig Wean & Finisher.

During the exhibition, our equipment received an overwhelming crowd from locals and overseas visitors. Having seen many professionals showing great interest and being able to provide solutions to their needs has shown how successful this exhibition is.