Good ventilation is paramount to creating an ideal environment for livestock. For older pigs in particular, getting as much air moving through the system as possible in hot weather is a priority because heat stress can be detrimental to animal health and productivity. You rely on your ventilation system to keep pigs comfortable, but do you have the right components for your production system and barn layout?
Fans - The primary drivers of air movement in your barn. Keep fans clean, the belts tightened, and the speeds accurate and your herd will stay comfortable.
Sidewall Curtains - Key for using in a natural ventilation mode or during an emergency situation. Maintaining these during the winter is important to keep you ventilation working properly and your heating bills down.
Evaporative Cooling System - Uses the process of water evaporation to fight heat-stress-related issues in production. These systems can reduce the temperature of the incoming air up to a 20 degree depending on outside conditions.
Inlet – Brings air into the barn in a precise, uniform manner creating a consistent, draft free environment during colder months of the year.
Controllers - The brains behind the mechanics of the system that tells fans when to turn on, raise and lower curtains, open and close inlets, and operate many other components inside barns. Connect to a weather station and utilize additional data to operate your system even more precisely.
Systems such as the EDGE controller, can even give you the overview of all your rooms and barns remotely - so if you can’t be onsite, you can still make the management decision you need to at the touch of a button.